Deandri & Solestruck Contest

A few hours ago, I saw that Solestruck, one of my favorite online shoe warehouses, was having a contest.  The premise was to draw your favorite Deandri shoe.  Hey, I never turn down an opportunity to draw some killer shoes (especially if there's a chance I'll snag a free pair!) . 

© 2012 shannon snow

That's Medusa rockin' the Olga.  I've really enjoyed playing around with sort-of-complementary-color schemes.  I hope it catches Solestruck and Deandri's attention!


Just finished a SUPER ULTRA FUN-TIME illustration.  It is a design for a mock Alpha Phi event.  Since I went to SCAD , I never really experienced Greek life.  That is, until I went to visit my sweet little cousin at the University of Alabama.  SO much fun, it was crazy to be exposed to probably the polar opposite of art school. Anyhow, those sorority gals have a t-shirt for EVERYTHING.

© 2012 shannon snow

My cousin gave me her approval, and I'm hoping the company I designed it for likes it, too!