After I completed the 36 Days of Type challenge, I was looking for another social media art challenge. As I was browsing through my Instastories, I noticed Monika Forsberg, one of my favorite illustrators, was co-hosting a 2 week challenge titled Aprillustration. Esté MacLeod, August Wren, and Terry Runyan were also hosts. All of these women are incredibly talented and inspiring, so I was like, count me in! The challenge consists of 14 very cute prompts, all words starting with P. Why? Because they wanted to focus on P-words that weren’t “PANDEMIC”.
Since I had just spent the month of March doing typography for 36DOT, it was so refreshing to focus on illustration for this challenge. Gotta admit, at first I felt a little out of my comfort zone. It had been a while since I had worked that creative muscle. Eventually I found my groove though! Check out my Aprillustration gallery below.