WOOHOO! Yeah! I did it!
I completed this year’s #36DaysofType challenge! 36days is a yearly open call inviting designers, illustrators and visual artists to share their view on the letters and numbers from our alphabet.
Okay, okay, okay… So I almost did it. I mean, I did all of the 26 letters… and not the numbers. Who needs numbers anyway, right? Right??? … Eh, There’s always next year.
But hey, let’s focus on the positives. I started this year’s 36DOT while I was 38 weeks pregnant. When I began the challenge, I thought, I’ll just do what I can, no worries. It’s not like I’d be designing drop caps in the hospital. Fast forward two weeks, I’m sitting in my hospital bed, cradling a newborn in my left arm and a iPad in my right arm. Let’s be real, y’all know I wasn’t going to be getting any sleep during that time… so I might as well do something productive!
Wanna know my recipe for success? I stuck with one theme this year. Maybe y’all can see that after the first three letters, the same elements are repeated throughout the alphabet. Recycling the same color palettes and florals was vital to keep my focus. Eventually I just switched to autopilot, and didn’t have to worry about reinventing the wheel every time. Not to mention it looks pretty nice too.
So, without further ado, here’s my 2020 36DOT alphabet!
What’s your favorite? I love so many of them. L, S, and W are really doing it for me. Interestingly enough, the I was the most liked, followed by E and C.
36DOT 2021… I’m doing all 36 glyphs. You heard it here first.