Ibex t-shirt design

Of all the bestiary that adorn the objets d’art of the ancient Near East, none has had so long, nor so eventful, a life as the ibex. First appearing on Samarran ware about 5500 BC, the ibex was among the earliest of the animal images to be seen on Near Eastern pottery. The ibex remained a popular symbol in Mesopotamian art possibly because of it's long, branch-like anters, resembling the Tree of Life - a symbol of fertility. 

The ibex received a contemporary look for a new t-shirt collection I'm designing based on the symbols of ancient civilizations. 

With a little help from printmaking expert Britt Spencer and his screen press, the ibex design was printed on multiple shirts, included mens' & women's styles. There's something particularily satisfying about wearing my own designs; I've already begun designing more to screen print.  

Hey Y'all

It's been a while, hasn't it?  A lot has been going on down here in Savannah!  In my last post I mentioned that I was applying for an illustrator/designer position at a company called Geneologie. May you can tell since I haven't posted in 2 months, but I got the job! Basically I create designs for apparel and other products.  The company has a really lovely bohemian asthetic that's right up my alley.  So far I've really enjoyed working for Geneologie and seeing my designs on shirts all over the country. 

The June/July issue of Girl's Life magazine just came out on shelves.  I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up yet, but I have three illustrations featured in this month's magazine.  Super fun, summery illustrations, too!

© shannon snow© shannon snow© shannon snowI was going for complementary color schemes on all three.  I think they turned out really vibrant and fun.  Always love working with the art director of Girl's Life magazine.


Just finished a SUPER ULTRA FUN-TIME illustration.  It is a design for a mock Alpha Phi event.  Since I went to SCAD , I never really experienced Greek life.  That is, until I went to visit my sweet little cousin at the University of Alabama.  SO much fun, it was crazy to be exposed to probably the polar opposite of art school. Anyhow, those sorority gals have a t-shirt for EVERYTHING.

© 2012 shannon snow

My cousin gave me her approval, and I'm hoping the company I designed it for likes it, too!