Coming soon...

Very soon I'll be launching a gallery of my lettering work.  My website is going through a bit of a makeover.  I've changed some things here to reflect the mood of my work.  See the new header?  Also, my new and improved resume (really obsessed with how lovely it looks now) is up.  The lettering gallery will feature my Illustrated Alphabet, inspired by Jessica Hische's Daily Drop Caps.  Here's a sneak peek of what's to come.

© 2012 shannon snow

Check back soon for the launch of my new lettering portfolio!

It's the little things

A few nights ago, Around 2AM, I was feeling the need to be productive.  As I stared at my generic Macbook desktop wallpaper wondering what I could do, it came to me.  DIY DESKTOP.

copyright © 2012 shannon snowMe and the pen tool have become really good friends. Never thought that would happen!

Honey Boo Boo Child

The other day I was contacted by Loops & Pluto, a witty t-shirt company, and asked to create a design based on the infamous Honey Boo Boo Child from TLC's Toddlers & Tiaras.  If you're fortunate enough to not know who she is - here, let me enlighten you

copyright © 2012 shannon snowSee the actual t-shirt here.  And while you're there, get one for everyone you know!  What an awesome job, I love doing work like this.  Really looking forward to working with Loops & Pluto in the future.

Deandri & Solestruck Contest

A few hours ago, I saw that Solestruck, one of my favorite online shoe warehouses, was having a contest.  The premise was to draw your favorite Deandri shoe.  Hey, I never turn down an opportunity to draw some killer shoes (especially if there's a chance I'll snag a free pair!) . 

© 2012 shannon snow

That's Medusa rockin' the Olga.  I've really enjoyed playing around with sort-of-complementary-color schemes.  I hope it catches Solestruck and Deandri's attention!

Southern Cats Got Claws

A month or so ago, I was invited to participate in one of my favorite blogs, Ten Paces and Draw.  It's a wonderful blog because it gives illustrators an opportunity to work together in a really fun way!  Ten Paces and Draw is known for its Artist Swaps, and they recently started featuring Mix Tape challenges, where illustrators create a piece based on a song.  Loretta Lynn's "You Ain't Woman Enough to Take My Man" is the song I chose.  

© 2012 shannon snowI hammered this one out this past Sunday.  Sometimes I just get so involved in an illustration, and I won't leave my Cintiq for hours.  Does it look like I had fun with it?  My favorite part was definitely playing around with the red/green color palette.  If you'd like to see a bigger version, just mosey on over to my portfolio.

Hey Y'all

It's been a while, hasn't it?  A lot has been going on down here in Savannah!  In my last post I mentioned that I was applying for an illustrator/designer position at a company called Geneologie. May you can tell since I haven't posted in 2 months, but I got the job! Basically I create designs for apparel and other products.  The company has a really lovely bohemian asthetic that's right up my alley.  So far I've really enjoyed working for Geneologie and seeing my designs on shirts all over the country. 

The June/July issue of Girl's Life magazine just came out on shelves.  I haven't gotten a chance to pick it up yet, but I have three illustrations featured in this month's magazine.  Super fun, summery illustrations, too!

© shannon snow© shannon snow© shannon snowI was going for complementary color schemes on all three.  I think they turned out really vibrant and fun.  Always love working with the art director of Girl's Life magazine.


Just finished a SUPER ULTRA FUN-TIME illustration.  It is a design for a mock Alpha Phi event.  Since I went to SCAD , I never really experienced Greek life.  That is, until I went to visit my sweet little cousin at the University of Alabama.  SO much fun, it was crazy to be exposed to probably the polar opposite of art school. Anyhow, those sorority gals have a t-shirt for EVERYTHING.

© 2012 shannon snow

My cousin gave me her approval, and I'm hoping the company I designed it for likes it, too!


Lol. That title. Anyhow, I just finished an illustration about fun ways to exercise.  This was one of those pieces where I couldn't step away from the Cintiq.  I whipped up this super lively sketch last night and couldn't wait to take it to finish.

© 2012 shannon snow

Complementary color schemes are a recurring theme in my illustrations.  Lately I've really been leaning towards turquoise/red palettes, but this time yellow and blue really looked great!

© 2012 shannon snowTo see a full-size version, please refer to my portfolio!


A product of recent internet hype, Lana Del Rey is currently one of the most quickly emerging artists.  Her album "Born to Die," which has mixed reviews from critics, drops tomorrow.  I'm interested to see the direction her career goes in.  Will she fade back in obscurity, or will she continue to live up to the hype?

© 2011 shannon snowHer rise to fame seems very calculated, with the change-of-name and plastic surgery she's had.  But I find her fascinating to look at, like watching a living doll.  And as for her music, I actually really like it.  Check out her single "Born to Die" here.

For this piece, I used a repeat pattern that I created a while back.